Everyone knows that age old wisetale, you know the one, if a guy has big feet he has a big penis? Well if you’re looking down at someone’s shoe size you’re looking in the wrong place.
So sadly for that old big feet big manhood myth it is just that a myth. Too bad because that was always a good laugh at a party. However, there may be another body part that is actually a give away… and it’s not what you’d think.
While Dr. Rena Malik of California shared on his podcast Diary of a CEO that the wisetale of big feet equating to a big penis is untrue; he also hinted that another body part may be a penis size given away. The doctor sited a japanese studying saying, “There’s one study — it’s a Japanese study where they looked at only Japanese men so there are some limitations — but they measured all these body parts and penile length and they found was that nose length was correlated with penile length, not hand length or foot.”
Of course the study was done on a small group of men so the theory isn’t exactly cannon or a fact but it is also still something fun to talk about at a party. Here at Chicago Male Enhancement we are always looking into new theories and new holistic medicines to enhance our bodies, our workout routines and our manhood. So, if you have a big nose and you feel the theory isn’t really working for you, give us a call to book a free consultation for our nonsurgical and safe male enhancement. And vice versa if you feel your nose is just a big too big but your manhood is doing just fine call Anil Shah MD FACS and one of our lovely ladies will be happy to book you a consult with surgeon Dr. Anil Shah for a free consultation for either nonsurgical rhinoplasty or a rhinoplasty. Big nose big manhood…. It's a good theory.